Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My Mom called me the other day. She told me I need to look at my cousin's blog to get some better ideas on what to write about. Mean while my friend Cal keeps telling me that my stories are so funny... that I should write them down and get them published. I'm not sure if he is really serious but as I told him "No one reads my blog so why would they read my book?" Which brings me back to my Mom's advice...

The truth is that if I wrote down all my opinions (because that's really what Cal thinks is so amusing) I won't have any friends or family left that would speak to me. Cal is married to my nearest and dearest friend so he gets everything... the unfiltered, unedited, completely unthoughtout verbal diarea from my mouth... actually from his wife's mouth which originated from mine. Maybe she puts a good spin on my stories... Maybe his wife should write down everything I say... Maybe she could make the millions...

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