Saturday, October 24, 2009

Shirt Goes Missing

Karl’s favorite Iron Maiden shirt recently went missing. It’s faded black with multiple brightly coloured skulls and numerous airvent holes. It was last seen in Karl’s hands where he is quoted saying “Thanks for washing my shirt. Now I can wear it all week and you can’t throw it out”.

The shirt in question has had a long history of controversy. “I think he wore it on our first date. It’s a good thing he’s such a great guy because the shirt really ugly,’ his wife has been quoted saying. It is commonly believed that Anna’s first sentence was “Scary shirt” as she pointed at the shirt.

Foul play is suspected. If you see this shirt, please contact the proper authorities so that the shirt can be properly disposed of.

Monday, October 05, 2009

I dated this guy in college that taught me a lot about what I wanted in a spouse but more specifically what I didn't want in a spouse. It wasn't long into the relationship that I started to gain a picture of what my future would hold with this man and I didn't like it. I envisioned myself working two minimum wage jobs and barely making ends meet . I would come home in my peach coloured waitressing outfit to find my husband sitting on his butt doing nothing all day in our rented interior BC single wide. When asked if he was going to get a job he would always say things like there aren't any jobs out there or he just don't feel like it today or he's better than that job. You get the picture. It wasn't hard to come to this conclusion; in the time we dated he had slept through a job and got fired, he had borrowed money, lived off of his roommates, he had been to the food bank, and he had collected welfare. This was such a foreign thing to me. My parents are hard working and the idea is if you can work you do; at whatever job you can get if necessary.

I am so glad that I married the man I did. He is a hard working man who takes pride in supporting his family. And yet there are men who hate being the bread winner of the family. Hate it. They hate the responsibity and the pressure it carries to get up and go the 9-5 job day in and day out. In some families that's Ok because some women would rather pull their hair out then stay home. In those families the men stay home and the women are the bread winners. In some families both parents are the bread winners. But there always has to be a bread winner or there isn't going to be any bread. (I think that's common sense)