Friday, June 18, 2010

Engineers, Knick Knacks and Short Deadlines

There was a clip on the news last night involving the BP president being questioned by a number of USA politicians. He really didn't have any answers or solutions or apologies. They showed a picture of an oil saturated pelican and I'm so sickened by the sadness of it all. Really can't they do more? I saw Apollo 13 when the guy comes into the room full of engineers with a box of knick knacks, dumps it on the table and says you have the weekend to figure out a solution or those guys die. Where are those engineers now and can BP please hire them because they got the job done. Unlike the current problem solvers. Seriously we are going to plug the hole with dirt and golf balls and its going to stop the flow. Have you ever tried to plug a volcano with dirt and golf balls and expected it to stop the flow of lava? Forget the heat for a minute and just think about the pressure. I admit I don't fully understand the factors involved in shutting down the leak but really the environment and wildlife are at stake here. So gather up a box of knick knacks, get your engineers together and give them a painfully short deadline to fix the problem.